Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Like a Car Driving

When I think of you I feel like a car driving
me over on the thigh
like I am forced to choose between pain and pain
like a mouse trapped in a corner by a cat
like having to eat nails for every meal
like being stranded on an island
like climbing a mountain, to fall back to the start after,
an atmosphere filled with poisonous gas
a relative stabbing you in the back
like jumping off a cliff, only to do it again,
like drowning, and being watched in the process,
like watching someone die, and that someone is yourself,
like having someone that betrayed you, hug you after,
like being forced to live with your biggest fear,
and see it everyday
like monsters are under my bed
like walking in a dark alleyway,
with a gang eyeing my pockets,
like getting prescribed medicine,
that makes your symptoms worse,
like getting an award,
for being a serial killer
like Oreos without milk
like drinking water,
with your lungs
like a short man,
who I had no choice to live with

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